The Lagree Method and Why I'm Obsessed

melanie wallace style hip fitness

I’m excited to share with you today something a little more personal and very important to me.  In January of 2013...the third to be exact, I had a full hysterectomy.  I also turned 40 later that month. What a fun present!  In all honesty, it actually was as I felt better immediately even though I couldn’t stand upright for at least two weeks,  but that’s another story.  Time passes and when I could stand up straight I started walking with a friend as my doctor didn’t really want me doing much more. Eventually, I jumped back into my old routine which was largely cardio.  I never really enjoyed exercising, I just liked how I felt when I was done. I also really like my Tex Mex and margaritas on the weekend. I had played tennis for as long as I can remember (great way to sneak in exercise for exercise haters) and always thought of myself as pretty fit. But about a year later I was just “off”. I couldn’t do a sit up. Not a single one. I just didn’t feel very strong. I realized I had endurance but not strength. I could play tennis all day in the sweltering heat and I was fine...but my core strength was weak. No...not weak...I had NONE. By this time I was spending half of my time in Houston and half of my time at our home in Louisiana (which we have since sold).  

Looking for something, I tried nearly every form of exercise Houston had to offer.  Orange Theory...not for me. Cross Fit...not for me. Tread classes...I was bored with those. Rowga...nope. Did I mention I also don’t like gyms? I prefer a boutique-type facility.  One day I stumbled upon HIP Fitness.  Literally, we were driving to dinner in Rice Vilage and I saw the sign and thought...hmmmm, I haven’t tried that one. So I looked it up. High Intensity Pilates hence the HIP and thought I would give it a try. That was three and half years ago and today I crave it like my Tex Mex and margaritas. I have never in my life been so strong. And yes...I can do sit ups again. The process is not a fast one. It takes time to see results but when they start to happen it’s incredible. I’ve leaned out and toned up so much but more importantly I feel strong. I feel better today than I did in my 20’s. And the best part is I’m done in 45 minutes. I go about 3-4 times a week now. When I started, I went twice a week every other week. It works.

melanie wallace style hip fitness

The beauty of the Lagree Method is that men and women of any age and any ability level can benefit from it as it’s highly adaptive. The Houston Rockets do some training at HIP too if that tells you anything.  The method stimulates strength, endurance and cardiovascular health while working in those deep layers of tissue to sculpt a nice lean body.  You may have heard of it as “Pilates Plus” or “Pilates on steroids” but it’s actually not Pilates at all.  It was developed by Sebastien Lagree and is in its own right a fitness regime of its own.  He developed a machine called the “Megaformer” that looks like something out of Fifty Shades of do some of the positions.  The method is slow and precise and one of the most effective ways to get a full body workout.  It never gets “easy”.  The stronger you get, the harder you push yourself.  Like I mentioned, it is very adaptive to any level.  It’s 45 minutes of very high intensity but very low impact.  



Classes run all day at HIP Fitness so it’s easy to fit into your schedule. They now have two locations ~ Rice Village & River Oaks with plans to open more. By taking this time for myself a few days a week I’m a better wife and mom and I get more done than I would if I didn’t go.  It sets the tone for my day.  With its global popularity, I’m sure there is a facility near you.  Just ask Siri...