Seven Simple Tips for Having a Great Day


Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.


I am a firm believer of living each day to it's fullest and being present in the moment. It's not always easy, but it's something I try to practice daily. It helps to be surrounded by positive energy and I am very blessed in that area for sure. However, with the implementation of a few simple steps, I believe that anyone can have a great day everyday.

So how do you do that? Well, start the night before. Look at your calendar and see what you have going on that day. Plan your "Top 3" must do items. I think it's best to focus on the three most important ones before getting to less important items on the list. Next, prepare in advance. Set out your clothes, if your children are small, set their clothes out too. Mine always wore a uniform which was a godsend, but if not go ahead and save yourself the hassle. Tidy up before bed, enlist the help of your children to pick up their toys, clean up the kitchen and fluff the pillows on the sofa. Waking up to a tidy home is priceless. Adjust your alarm if necessary. Next...slow down. Wake up 30 minutes before the rest of your house just to "be" and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in the stillness. This was paramount for me when my children were young. I believe that what you do in the morning sets the tone for your day. If you wake up frenectic, your day will be frenetic. Make your bed. Honestly, I just don't understand people that do not make their beds. It only takes a minute or two. It's one of the first things I do every single morning...for as long as I can remember. Dress for the day. While there is so much more to life than your outfit of the day, I firmly believe dressing for the occasion makes you feel better about yourself. There is no doubt I am a nicer and far more productive person when I'm dressed vs. schelpping around in old clothes. It can be as simple as white jeans and fresh white tee or a cute exercise outfit if that's what you are doing...but get dressed! Once you get to work or get your children off to school, tend to your "Top 3" before anything else. You will feel so much more accomplished by having those items crossed off before moving on to less important tasks. Lastly, lower your happiness bar. WHAT? Yes...lower your happiness bar. Every single day is not going to be an off the charts blockbuster, so don't expect it to be. Be grateful for the little things as they become the big things. The days add up to weeks, months and years. 

Life isn't perfect and we will all have bad days every now and again. But most of the time, simple changes within our control can help us achieve much more fulfilling days.

xo, Melanie


  1. Plan your "Top 3" each night.
  2. Prepare in advance by tidying up and setting out clothes.
  3. Wake up a little earlier than everyone else for a moment of solitude.
  4. Make your bed.
  5. Dress for the day
  6. Attack your "Top 3" before anything else.
  7. Lower your happiness bar.